North Adelaide Golf Club

2024 Men's A2 Pennant

North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants – Season Finale Round 7


With the author not being in attendance this week there is no weather report for this round.


The NAGC A2 group what more can I say other than borrowing the classic line from Shane Crawford from the 2008 Grand Final dais  “THAT’S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT” we won one, well done guys a great effort.

The team made up of Chantha Kong, Alex Martinson, Simon Welsh, Steven Darch, Atila Koca and Chris Watson unfortunately 1 short due to an illness took on the Flagstaff Hill group at the West Lakes course.


The result was what we have been striving for with NAGC pocketing a W taking down the Flaggies 4 ½ to 2 ½ which is a significant effort giving we were 1 short.


A big thank you to all the players that have represented the club this season, we went in to battle with the best intentions but unfortunately fell short against some formidable opposition, better luck next season.


We have a break now and reset because before we know it we will be ramping up for the next season which is scheduled to start in February 2025.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants - Round 6


What a shock to the system, sunup at Penfield was far from ideal in fact to be blunt it was very cold and didn’t get too much better all morning.


The NAGC A2 group assembled in the dark to take on the home team at Penfield, home ground advantage was a benefit for the Penfield players.

The team made up of Chantha Kong, Alex Martinson, Steven Darch, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines and Chris Watson went into battle once the sun got up and going.

If we could have called the match off at half time, much like last week, we would have been in a pretty good position but unfortunately our team had to reset and go around for the second lap of the 9-hole course which brought about our undoing.

The result was not what we had hoped for with NAGC going down 1 ½ to 5 ½ when we had anticipation of something much more tilted in our favour.


For the final time this season the A2 team will venture to West Lakes to take on the Flagstaff Hill group who are sitting at 6 on the ladder.


Best of luck for this the final round guys and as always any support from the club members would be greatly appreciated.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants - Round 5


Yet another perfect Winters Day greeted A2 crew at Sunny McCracken on SUnday.


The NAGC A2 team packed the picnic lunch and took the journey to the picturesque McCracken course to take on Blackwood.

The team made up of Chantha Kong, Simon Welsh, Steven Darch, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines and Chris Watson toiled in the welcoming sunshine.

Well pleasingly at half time things were looking pretty good for the NAGC group but much like the Crows the night before the second half proved too draining and we ended up going down 0 and 7 sadly.


Thanks as always to those who gave up their precious time on a Sunday to represent the club, success will come our way eventually.

With 2 matches remaining the elusive W is our goal to achieve before we wrap up another Pennant season.


Next Sunday the A2 team will take on Penfield at their home bright and early.


Good luck to our members playing on behalf of the club and any support from the club members would be greatly appreciated.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants - Round 4


The calendar indicates that we have kicked off Winter but yet again the weather gods were smiling on us, what a perfect day for a walk in the park following a golf ball.

This week the A2 team suited up at home against Mid-North.


The NAGC A2 team rallied at home on the recently rejuvenated course against the collective team from the Mid North and tasted some success.

The gathering included Chantha Kong, Steven Darch, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines, William Phelan, and Chris Watson toiled in the sunshine.

The match finished 2.5 and 4.5. whilst not the overall W we hoped for was nice to get a couple of game wins.


Well played to our NAGC members who suited up again on Sunday and flew the flag for the club, many thanks.

The challenge for us is to get off the matt and battle it out to see if we can elevate ourselves off the bottom of the ladders.


Special mention this weekend to the volunteers that helped with the after-match BBQ at North Adelaide supporting the 8 teams that played our course.

Also to Dave Harrington, Rules Official, who was there till the final putt which was almost in the dark thanks for your support. 


We take a break for the Long Weekend then onto round 5, June 16th, where the A2 team will be on the long journey to McCraken, hope the weather gods are still smiling on us, against Blackwood.


Good luck to all that are competing.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants - Round 3


Just another perfect day for a round of golf at Blackwood, we have been spoilt with the conditions for the first 3 rounds of the Pennant season and last Sunday was just about perfect, just about !!


The NAGC A2 team travelled to Blackwood Golf Course and kicked the dew off the grass bright and early.

The. NAGC team included Chantha Kong, Steven Darch, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines, William Phelan, and Abassi Mchawala we put up against the team from The Stirling who sit atop the A2 ladder.

The match finished 0.5 and 6.5 losses to our team but as is the case in previous games the NAGC players battled it out to the last couple of holes.


As always thanks to the NAGC members that represented the club and toiled away against a level of competitor that is at a different level to us.


Also, thanks must go to Blackwood for hosting the North Adelaide team. 


Next round, June 2nd, has the A2 team hosting the merged team from Mid-North at home.


Best of luck to all.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants - Round 2


Well, we were lucky to have midday-ish tee off’s on Sunday, it allowed the sun to get some penetration and get the temperature out of the minus and into the plus, certainly at Tanunda.


The NAGC A2 team was pitted against the strong and stylish team from West Lakes.

The. NAGC team included Steven Darch, Corey. Fawkes, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines, Wayne Morrison, and Abassi Mchawala battled hard against some very well organised and skilled golfers.

Sounds a bit like a broken record but the greens did prove a real challenge for our players and if they had been more favourable the result might have been tilted back in our direction. 

The match finished 1 up and 6 losses to our team but again the HAGC players battled it out with a few games getting down to the last couple of holes.

Special mention to Corey Fawkes and Wayne Morrison for stepping up to make sure we put together a competitive team.



Many thanks to the club members that battled it out against some very strong competition on the weekend and we look forward to the next challenge.


Also, thanks must go to Tanunda Pines for hosting the North Adelaide teams.


We look forward to suiting up again next Weekend, Sunday 26th where the A2 team will be kicking off bright and early at Blackwood against The Stirling.


North Adelaide Golf Club Golf Australia Pennants A2 - Round 1


The NAGC A2 team suited up against Southern a team made up from the cream from several of the Fleurieu Peninsular golf courses and who finished second in last year’s competition.


The. NAGC A2 team included Steven Darch, Atila Koca, Barry Smith, Paul Haines, Chris Watson, Andrew McMillan and Abassi Mchawala battled with the Southern team which was loaded with some very talented golfers.


Southern did not have it all their way and if the greens could have been a little more favourable to our team then the result may have been tilted more in our direction.


The match finished 1 up and 6 losses to our team but a few of the matches went down to the last couple of holes before being completed, great fighting spirit from the NAGC players..


We all take a break for Mother’s Day and then both teams suit up again May 19th, A2 taking on West Lakes at the Tanunda Pines.
