North Adelaide Golf Club


The North Adelaide Golf Club (NAGC) was formed in the 1890’s and has played competition golf in the North Parklands for well over a hundred years. In fact, the North Adelaide Golf Club is acknowledged as the oldest golf club in Australia still using its original site and was one of the first clubs to change its constitution to abolish ‘Associate’ membership and have men and women as equal full members.

The Club is also amongst the first golf clubs to introduce women's competition golf on a Saturday.

We pride ourselves on being one of the most friendly and accommodating clubs in Adelaide and enjoy a relaxed social atmosphere in the clubrooms on competition days.

North Adelaide Golf Club.png

Dear Members,

Welcome to the North Adelaide Golf Club website.

To make a booking, please log in to this site using the same username and password as before (member number for username, and date of birth for password). If you have forgotten, or would like to have it reset, please contact the club.

Once logged in, golf bookings can be made using the golf course's MiClub online booking system using the link from the 'Member's Area' or the link below.


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Hole In One for Frank Kong

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2024 Champions Photo Galleries

2 new photo galleries have been added to the NAGC website for the 2024 Champions Celebration Dinner and a separate gallery for the 2024 Individual Win


October 2024 POTM

Derek Braysher won the October 2024 Player of the Month award with a leading Stableford score of 43 points.


Jane Crafter Wine Fundraiser

Dear NAGC Members,   Once again, the NAGC Jane Crafter Committee held an exceptional event for over 100 ladies on Monday 22nd October.


Hole In One for Soo Kyung Im

Soo Kyung Im scored an Eagle Hole In One on the Par 3 16th hole during club championship matchplay on Sunday October 27th.


2024 Club Championships

Well, Club Championships are done and dusted for another year, well done to all that have participated in all rounds of the event and even.

